Europes Conflict

Europes Roman Hangover

A Theo-Political Cauldron of Conflct
Thsi article was published in Swarajya

It is convenient to point at events in immediate line of sight to attribute cause and effect for a conflict....

Children in India advantage

Are We Blunting Our Children’s “India Advantage”

Westernisation of Indias urban elite
This article was published in – BUSINESSWORLD

one stark social contradiction thatcan be seen often in affluentmetropolitan India is that as the world moves intoan Asian or...

higher education


Strategy to become the academic capital of India
This article was published in FORTUNE India

Now that a comprehensive National Education Policy (NEP2020) has been formalized, it is opportune for key stakeholders in the sector;...

Olympic Medals And GDP

GDP & Olympic Medals – Is there a connection?

What could it mean for India
This article was published in ET Brand Equity

Each time I think about India at Olympics, a recurring thought occurs to me. Is there a connection between a...

Union Budget

Analysis – Union Budget 2021

Wanted visionary entrepreneurs
Thsi article was published in Hindu Businessline

The game is on, the field set, and it is time for industry and entrepreneurs to come in and bat....

India’s Bicycle Irony Tale of Our Manufacturing Muddle

The situation in the Indian bicycle industry for the last few months has been like the proverbial quote of water...